Collective Worship

We dedicate part of the day called Assembly in which Collective Worship takes place. Collective worship is the unique heartbeat of a Church school and is offered as part of a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God, both as individuals and together. This is a special and sacred time of the day where we come together as a community to thank, celebrate and receive wisdom and inspiration of some kind. It is an opportunity for children to consider spiritual and moral issues and explore their own beliefs.  

Collective worship provides the opportunity for the school to meet together in a variety of contexts and enables participating pupils and staff to consider events of the world and appreciate the rich tapestry of human experience and existence. This also enhances the opportunities that together, we can make a difference. 

Worship may find expression in many different forms: in music, song, dance, drama, in words of praise, in prayers, readings and teachings, in listening, in thoughtful silence, in meditation, in contemplation of symbols, in the service the lighting of a candle and other symbolic actions. 

 A Sacred Place 

Collective Worship requires a special and sacred place. This is not just a physical space but  a place where the ambience is conducive to reflection and deep thought. It can be the classroom, school hall, local church or outdoors. Assembly time is ‘sacred’ in a sense that it should be a special time when the children come  together to listen, participate and respond uninterrupted.

It is also ‘sacred’ in a way that enables children to have a special opportunity to connect with God  or their maker and nourish their faith. This cannot take place in a rushed chaotic environment. For a person with no faith, this special time gives them the opportunity to ponder and reflect on the spiritual dimension of humanity. 

The act of worship as an opportunity to celebrate, thank and receive wisdom and inspiration of some kind. This wisdom and inspiration can be described as a ‘Holy or spiritual moment’.  This  may or may not be religious. 

The structure of Collective Worship


Anglican traditions

Collective Worship is rooted in a number Anglican traditions including:

Pupil involvement

Children are empowered to organise and take part in Collective Worship sessions, with 'Open the Book' sessions led by St Andrew's Church members requiring pupil participation on a weekly basis. As well as this, all children actively participate in events like Harvest and Easter celebrations, which extend invitations to the community. 

When children take part in these sessions, they feel a profound sense of ownership. This ownership significantly boosts their involvement with both the content and the purpose of the worship.

Child-led Collective Worship cultivates a strong sense of community within the school. It brings students together, irrespective of their backgrounds or beliefs, to exchange experiences, values, and aspirations. Pupils can integrate a range of perspectives, traditions, and beliefs into these sessions, fostering inclusivity and celebrating the diversity present in the school community. This promotes respect and understanding for various cultures and faiths among students.

Through Collective Worship, students can explore themes related to social justice, environmental responsibility, and global citizenship. This encourages them to embrace social accountability and empowers them to enact positive change in their communities and beyond.

Collective Worship Policy -Draft.docx