Special Educational Needs
Our SENCo at St Andrew's is Mrs Norman.
Please feel free to contact her via the following email address:
Alternatively, feel free to contact the school office to make an appointment.
Mrs Norman runs termly 'SEN Parent Forums' which can be found on our Term Dates section.
Please note, that any new information will be dated and added to the top of this page.
School SEND Information Report - December 2023

Canonium Learning Trust Inclusion Policy

Sensory Awareness Toolkit SEND (Local Authority Document)

Next North Essex SEND Roadshow event Poster

SEN Club For All Schools
SEN Club is a lively, fun club for children with special needs and their families. The club aims to
give parents and carers an opportunity to mix whilst their children have fun playing.
Suitable for children under 12 year old, the club is held on a Sunday.
For further information contact Laura at senclub2024@gmail.com or 07740362441, Facebook and Instagram: @senclub2024.
SEN Services in North East Essex for Families

ACL Families and SEND Support Courses
Meow Cat Cafe Essex
A cat cafe offering a relaxing and inclusive space.
How it can help
The Meow Cat Cafe provides a safe and relaxing space to be around cats. They also provide sessions for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Opening hours
Monday: 10:30-18:00
Tuesday: 11:30-19:15
Wednesday: 9:30-17:00
Thursday: 9:30-20:30
Friday: 9:30-20:30
Saturday: 9:30-18:00
Sunday: 9:30-15:30
Opening Hours
ASD sessions - Saturday mornings and Monday afternoons
7 High Street
7 High
United Kingdom
Online safety for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their families
The NSPCC have partnered with Ambitious about Autism to bring online safety tips, advice and activities specifically for parents and carers of children with SEND.
They have created a number of activities to help with talking about online safety including online friendships and sharing personal details.
To find out more, visit the NSPCC website.
Say hello to... MAZE
Find out more about The Maze Group.
Tell us about what you do:
We provide specialist support for parents and carers of neurodiverse children and young people. We do this via our weekly specialist parenting groups, our monthly drop-in coffee mornings, online groups and webinars. We have lots of free videos. We also work with a range of professionals who can advise. These include our specialist 1 to 1 emotional wellbeing support for parents/carers and young people.
What would you like families and young people to know?
All our services are free to those in NE Essex, but anyone can access our support from outside this area. We are a community of parent/carers supporting other parent/carers. So, we all have our own lived experiences to share to help others on their journey.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
We love meeting and helping people. Especially when we know that families have gone on to thrive and get good outcomes for their young people as a result of Maze's support. We love it when families come back to see us after many years to tell us how things turned out for them.
How can families find out more?
We have made sure that the MAZE website is easy to use and that it contains all of the information that you will need to start with.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube where we share lots of information and free videos.
Supporting your neurodiverse child- Essex family forum supportive document for parents and carers of SEND

Peer Educator Programme-support parents and carers of autistic children